
General Information

Photo Locations: Photo sessions can take place in a variety of places. Anywhere from inside your home, to a beautiful outside location. You are welcome to choose the location, or you can give me a description of the location that you prefer, and I will do my best to find one to match.  If you choose to have your pictures taken inside your home, a clean room with lots of light works best. If you would like to do it outside, the possibilities are endless. We can take pictures in parks and pretty landscapes, or by cool buildings and cityscapes. The sky is the limit and I’m always excited to try new locations!

When shooting outside, the best times for photo sessions are either in the mornings or evenings, or on a snowy or cloudy. Basically anytime when there’s not incredibly harsh light. Indoor photo sessions can be done at most anytime of the day, as long as there is a lot of light coming into the room.

Im am based in Pocatello, but I am happy to travel to any surrounding areas, including Blackfoot, American Falls, Inkom, and Mccamon. Occasionally, sessions dates will be available in Star Valley, Wyoming.

Accessories: Scarves, hats, flower crowns, headbands, and jewelry all make great removable props that can add variety to your photos.

Props: I often don’t use props. I love the look of simplicity and giving the model the chance to be the center of attention. I do like to sometimes showcase a models interests though.  In those instances, its fun to incorporate things of theirs like musical instrument or sports/dance gear, for example.


Let's get in touch!

Have some questions or would like to book your photo session through me? That's great!

Fill out this contact form and I will get back

to you as soon as possible!


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Trina Reed Photo

Serving Pocatello & Beyond

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